How to respond to someone insulting you? - Encywiki

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How to respond to someone insulting you?

 How to respond to someone insulting you?

 How to respond to someone insulting you?

- Just be silent, ignore him…

- Arguing with a fool proves that there are two fools in the room.

- Sometimes the insulting word is intolerable, and we feel a strong desire to respond, so make a carelessly respond, don't take care, but this is for the person who you don't have a great relation with him, and it doesn't matter if he quits your life. Maybe you are happy to get ride off him.

- Respond with humor: Ilka Chase was a novel writer, one day she was visited by her friend, this last one wanted to joke with her, so she said: I read your novel, and love it, I wonder who wrote it for you?" "That good, Ilka replied, I wonder who read it for you?".. 

- Sometimes it is better to go straight with him, for example, if he says: your writing is bad, you reply: that's not for writing only, I'm not good in cooking as well.

- Say "thanks" to who insulting you, there are at least three benefits for that: it means cold reaction, you don't understand the insulting, cancel the euphoria of victory.

How to respond to someone insulting you? Reviewed by encywiki on April 23, 2022 Rating: 5  How to respond to someone insulting you?  How to respond to someone insulting you? - Just be silent, ignore him… - Arguing with a fool prov...