The directive is most often associated with guarding the tongue, as a similar ḥadīth states: "Indeed, from the excellence of a person's Islam is a sparseness of words about what does not concern him."62 The Prophet
From the excellence of a person is his leaving alone what does not concern him
Prophet Muhammad said:
From the excellence of a person's Islam is his leaving alone what does not concern him." (Narrated by at-Tirmidhi and others in this form – ḥadīth ḥasan)
This ḥadīth is considered to be among the fundamental guidelines concerning the perfection of Islam and refining of the soul. While avoiding the prohibited and fulfilling religious obligations makes Islam acceptable, progressing to the degree of iḥsān61 requires that one be always mindful of Allah and of his own manners and behavior, which are means to His pleasure or displeasure. Keeping oneself away from whatever does not concern him is part of the perfecting of his religion and serves to distance him from many doubtful and, indeed, unlawful matters. Hence, one must not intrude uninvited into the affairs of others without necessity and not speak of the affairs of others unnecessarily. This may require no small amount of effort against Shayțān and against the soul's natural inclination to curiosity.
The directive is most often associated with guarding the tongue, as a similar ḥadīth states: "Indeed, from the excellence of a person's Islam is a sparseness of words about what does not concern him."62 The Prophet (3) emphasized the harm in failure to do so when he said to Mu'adh, "Does anything topple people onto their faces in the Fire except the fruits of their tongues?"63 Ibn Mas'ud has been quoted as saying, "There is nothing more in need of prolonged imprisonment than my tongue." The şaḥābah were acutely aware of the dangers of indiscriminate speech. And 'Umar bin `Abdul-'Azeez observed, "One who counts his speech as part of his deeds will minimize his words except about what concerns him." That is because many people do not consider their statements as accountable deeds, so they are carelessly excessive therein, not usually restricting themselves to truth, discretion and good manners but engaging in gossip or useless debates while raising voices in accusation or interrupting others with airs of superiority. Such misdeeds will only be eliminated by the silence due to fear of Allah and embarrassment before Him.
One should remind others as well, and, when possible, prevent them from unacceptable speech; otherwise, he should leave the gathering. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) confirmed the absence of benefit in most discussions, saying:
" No good is there in much of their private conversation, except for those who enjoin charity or that which is right or conciliation between people"